Saturday 8 September 2012

being a teenager confuses me, maybe that's why i'm awkward?

since I really can't sleep, I think I'll just sit here and share, since I feel as though I have a lot to share on behalf of all teenagers who don't fancy going out and getting drunk on a Saturday night, instead I sat in and watched tv with my family with a lovely kfc takeaway, which honestly is super rare! now i know you people of the internet are probably VERY uninterested in my life and how it's going, but I'm interested in everyone else's! I'd love to know I'm not the only teen who doesn't do much typical teenager stuff! but trust me, i really do want to know, what the massive deal is about going out and doing "crazy shit" meaning vandalism, being extremely annoying and frankly it's not even that fun since you throw up after half an hour of it! many people in my class are all over it, having house parties, getting with lads, and some of them even go as far as smoking, bearing in mind i am only 15, that really sucks. want to know how i spent my Saturday? well personally, i made an art smock and painted a not-so-good picture of a boat in the sunset. feel like a bit of a failure in this teenage mad world we're living in today, but ah well, i guess some people could even look at me as the success, because trust me, we've all been through it and being a teenager is ridiculously stressful, there's pressure everywhere you turn, with relationships, school and even families! want to know the secret of getting by? just smile. everything seems easier when you're happy, trust me! but just a little tip, it your parents are coming home and you've turned the living room upside down, clean it, or get out of the house before they get in, that puts them in a stormy mood for sure!;)

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