Sunday 9 September 2012

best friends now-a-days...

have you ever had a day where you wonder why your best friend IS your bestfriend? I have. sometimes we are complete opposites, she likes the yolk of the egg whilst i hate it, sounds odd just an example, right? yet I still don't understand exactly what makes her the best, why is she better than all my other friends? now if any of you lot have a best friend, you'd understand what i mean, you will have arguments, she will be a bitch, yet so will you, even guys have this issue with their mates. but all i want to know, is what makes our best friends better. She may have the same humour as you, but so do the rest of your friends... maybe you have the same likes and dislikes, but as i've said, there are always opposites aswell. i think it's more than just one reason, if it was only one reason, that wouldn't really be the best now would it? other friends, yeah they'll have alot of these qualities, but your best friend has the most of them, they end up being such a big part of your life i'm pretty sure the whole thing actually messes with your head, so much so they loose the ability to insult you, if they call you a name you shrug it off and call them something worse. however they gain the power to hurt you big time, they know all your secrets, you can't ever let them go since they know far too much about you, but maybe that's what makes them the best, just the fact that you can trust a person enough not to tell a soul about anything.  she has lived every memory with you, and if she hasnt, she's by far been the first person you tell about all the mad stuff going on in your own little upsidedown world. that person knows everything about you, she is like a diary, or even your living blog. If you don't remember what happened that time you got drunk, or when you went out with that very gross guys last year; your best friend is the one who remembers it all too well. she wont ever let you forget them either!  but then again, if you're anything like me, you might just be best friends because no one else is crazy enough to put up with you.

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