Saturday 1 June 2013

our world, my eyes.

No one seems to realise any more just how beautiful our world is, how much it's changed, or even the bits that have stayed the same. Too many of us have our own little worlds blocked off from paradise, whether that consists of getting caught up in school work, or trying to get through work till you can go home and relax. No one seems to have the time any more to take a break and realise just how incredible the world really is. The internet was invented less than 50 years ago, the mobile under 40 years ago, yet these are the things that seem to rule our lives today. Less kids are out in the street, technology is everywhere and everyone wants more of it around! I know I can't talk, I spend a lot more time on the internet than I should, and my phone goes everywhere with me! But every once in a while people just need to remember there are other things going on in the world than "Alice is has gone from in a relationship to single" or 'Becky just made a bacon roll' people are taking far too much interest in the little things and getting swallowed by life. Think about it, when you think back on your memories you don't think about everything you did on the internet in the summer holidays, you think about when you went on holiday, or out with your friends or even that simple bike ride, the time you got lost or spending so much time with your friends time got away from you. Those are the memories you remember, so why waste so much time on the small things when you can create even more memories. There are way to many social networking sites, Facebook taking the lead shortly followed by Twitter, everyone has at least one of them, and they become a big part of peoples lives. Even the smaller sites such as Tumblr or Instagram, are rapidly getting more and more people joining, devoting too much of their lives to updating their status', for what exactly? There is more to life than what's on the internet, or watching others discover the world on the television. Many people say how they don't regret what they've done, only what they wanted to do and didn't, so why waste so much time on the internet watching life pass you by when you could be doing all the things you want to do. I know huge things cost money, if what you wanted to do was to move to New York  of something huge, it's costly. but small things which can create good memories and happiness aren't out of reach. All people need as a race is an eye opener to the more important things in life. Sure, Facebook may keep you occupied and be a great pass time, but it doesn't create memories or make you happy, it's just there.

People need to think more about taking chances, now i know there's money and work and every other input to try and prevent you from getting to where you want to go, but don't let them become excuses. There are so many things you'd regret not seeing, and not everything has to be so far away! Living in Britain, for me, is incredible as there is history but a drive away.

There's the gorgeous city of Bath, with so many historic buildings and a simple walk through the city makes you feel like you've gone back in time.

I recently went to Bourton-on-the-water, where i have been a couple times, and it never gets old as the natural beauty of the area is outstanding, it was also a lot of fun to walk around as a school trip with my friends. Unfortunately the only pictures i have on my laptop are just of us, as the rest i left on the camera.
But aside the fact there are a lot of pictures of us just messing around, the natural beauty can always be seen, even if it is just in the background of photos, or right infront of you.
If this sort of beauty isn't really your cup of tea, you like exciting, or beaches or want to do something extreme, like para-sailing! then answer me this. What's stopping you? Why live a repetitive life of work, work towards something you love, you know it can happen, so why doesn't it?


see everything from a different angle

Just think about everything you're missing....don't say you're bored when you're not trying.

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