There are always those days where you stand back and look at what's going on around you, what's big, what's not and why things are like that.
Now it can't be just me who can see all these different trends happening. Those striped leggings are simply everywhere, the guitar or ukulele has become huge, guys withe quiffs like towers and girls with dreadlocks and piercings. I'm not saying people shouldn't do it, some look gorgeous and amazing. But they also used to be unique, people used to look different, now more and more people are looking alike. All known as "hipsters". And i can't be the only one who doesn't want to be classified by my peers by a stupid name, putting me with others who i'm nothing alike. But that's who we are, we judge and he hate those who judge us, we're all hypocrites, but we all used to be unique.
I'm not saying they look bad, because usually they don't, but people used to be original and have a different style to others. And it used to be okay, but now there seems to be a couple styles dominating all others. Each person claiming they had always worn things like this, and hate on other "hipsters" for looking like that. I don't have an issue with what people wear, i love the outfits, but i loved the individuality that came with them, now that means nothing as it can be seen everywhere you go.
I'm sure I've probably offended some people already with what I've said, and people will be looking at the pictures then at their wardrobe, not really thinking this applies to them, denying any link to "hipsters", but looking at the big picture, realising they also judge people on what they wear. we all do, and we also all deny it. But with everyone wearing the same thing, people are hating each other simply because they dress like "hipsters" blind to the fact they dress the same. We all feel the need to be sheep, all look a like and all blend in. Why?
yes, these guys are very good looking, and very well dressed, i'm not complaining. But then you see even more guys, wearing exactly the same, then even more. They're all looking good, but all looking exactly the same, making them look rather boring after a while as you begin to expect it, and guys begin to think this is what they should look like because everyone else does and girls love it. Yes, girls have a big impact on guys the same way they have an impact on girls. i feel like our generation need more variety, when the outfits can be bought in primark you know it's common. Like geek tops or patterned leggings, it's getting worn out.
The other style which is dominating all others is a little more rough. the snapbacks are still around (never really thought they'd last so long) but the leggings are just getting worse. These leggings are a pet hate of mine, as the white stripe is usually see through (as is the black, just not so much) and as well as hurting my eyes, i just don't think they look so good on the vast majority of girls who wear them. And i don't mean offence, but i think so many girls can look so nice, yet ruin it with such bad attitudes and wearing ridiculous things. i know it may be your style, but these leggings are a fashion phase, this time next year you wouldn't give them a second thought. Yes the girl in the picture is gorgeous, she's in the minority of those people who look good, but just because she looks good, doesn't mean that she wouldn't look better if she wore something else.
My last complaint about the need to follow others, is short shorts. I know so many people have complained, but i feel the need to say a small something on the matter. Even the hottest girls who wear them look tacky. The shorts make them look horrific and i think it's rather degrading, leaving nothing to the imagination and giving off the impression of having no self respect. I might just be being old fashioned, but i still follow the rules of one thing out; legs, boobs or stomach. obviously not right out with the boobs, but you understand what i mean. However girls now-a-days seem to be getting it all out at once, which even i found shocking at first.
with any body, hot or not, i feel something need to remain hidden. Although this girl is stunning with an amazing body, it can be shown in different clothes, which bring the right attention in a different way. why let people know what you look like all at once?
legs, boobs or stomach. not too short short shorts.
Although still following the "hipster" trends |
Now, i'm no fashion person at all. i cant even put an outfit together, hence why i wear dresses instead, but people need to be more individual, and i don't mean indie, i mean real individuality, a style to match their personality. it's time people began to want to be different than to blend in.
i may just be being different or old fashioned, but i much prefer this.