Saturday 29 June 2013

Follow me, I love beautiful things

Just a small post to show my other blog, like this one but spoken through pictures rather than words. Pure beauty in all its glory

Saturday 1 June 2013

our world, my eyes.

No one seems to realise any more just how beautiful our world is, how much it's changed, or even the bits that have stayed the same. Too many of us have our own little worlds blocked off from paradise, whether that consists of getting caught up in school work, or trying to get through work till you can go home and relax. No one seems to have the time any more to take a break and realise just how incredible the world really is. The internet was invented less than 50 years ago, the mobile under 40 years ago, yet these are the things that seem to rule our lives today. Less kids are out in the street, technology is everywhere and everyone wants more of it around! I know I can't talk, I spend a lot more time on the internet than I should, and my phone goes everywhere with me! But every once in a while people just need to remember there are other things going on in the world than "Alice is has gone from in a relationship to single" or 'Becky just made a bacon roll' people are taking far too much interest in the little things and getting swallowed by life. Think about it, when you think back on your memories you don't think about everything you did on the internet in the summer holidays, you think about when you went on holiday, or out with your friends or even that simple bike ride, the time you got lost or spending so much time with your friends time got away from you. Those are the memories you remember, so why waste so much time on the small things when you can create even more memories. There are way to many social networking sites, Facebook taking the lead shortly followed by Twitter, everyone has at least one of them, and they become a big part of peoples lives. Even the smaller sites such as Tumblr or Instagram, are rapidly getting more and more people joining, devoting too much of their lives to updating their status', for what exactly? There is more to life than what's on the internet, or watching others discover the world on the television. Many people say how they don't regret what they've done, only what they wanted to do and didn't, so why waste so much time on the internet watching life pass you by when you could be doing all the things you want to do. I know huge things cost money, if what you wanted to do was to move to New York  of something huge, it's costly. but small things which can create good memories and happiness aren't out of reach. All people need as a race is an eye opener to the more important things in life. Sure, Facebook may keep you occupied and be a great pass time, but it doesn't create memories or make you happy, it's just there.

People need to think more about taking chances, now i know there's money and work and every other input to try and prevent you from getting to where you want to go, but don't let them become excuses. There are so many things you'd regret not seeing, and not everything has to be so far away! Living in Britain, for me, is incredible as there is history but a drive away.

There's the gorgeous city of Bath, with so many historic buildings and a simple walk through the city makes you feel like you've gone back in time.

I recently went to Bourton-on-the-water, where i have been a couple times, and it never gets old as the natural beauty of the area is outstanding, it was also a lot of fun to walk around as a school trip with my friends. Unfortunately the only pictures i have on my laptop are just of us, as the rest i left on the camera.
But aside the fact there are a lot of pictures of us just messing around, the natural beauty can always be seen, even if it is just in the background of photos, or right infront of you.
If this sort of beauty isn't really your cup of tea, you like exciting, or beaches or want to do something extreme, like para-sailing! then answer me this. What's stopping you? Why live a repetitive life of work, work towards something you love, you know it can happen, so why doesn't it?


see everything from a different angle

Just think about everything you're missing....don't say you're bored when you're not trying.

One person does it, hundreds follow.

There are always those days where you stand back and look at what's going on around you, what's big, what's not and why things are like that.

Now it can't be just me who can see all these different trends happening. Those striped leggings are simply everywhere, the guitar or ukulele has become huge, guys withe quiffs like towers and girls with dreadlocks and piercings. I'm not saying people shouldn't do it, some look gorgeous and amazing. But they also used to be unique, people used to look different, now more and more people are looking alike. All known as "hipsters". And i can't be the only one who doesn't want to be classified by my peers by a stupid name, putting me with others who i'm nothing alike. But that's who we are, we judge and he hate those who judge us, we're all hypocrites, but we all used to be unique. 


I'm not saying they look bad, because usually they don't, but people used to be original and have a different style to others. And it used to be okay, but now there seems to be a couple styles dominating all others. Each person claiming they had always worn things like this, and hate on other "hipsters" for looking like that. I don't have an issue with what people wear, i love the outfits, but i loved the individuality that came with them, now that means nothing as it can be seen everywhere you go.
I'm sure I've probably offended some people already with what I've said, and people will be looking at the pictures then at their wardrobe, not really thinking this applies to them, denying any link to "hipsters", but looking at the big picture, realising they also judge people on what they wear. we all do, and we also all deny it. But with everyone wearing the same thing, people are hating each other simply because they dress like "hipsters" blind to the fact they dress the same. We all feel the need to be sheep, all look a like and all blend in. Why?

yes, these guys are very good looking, and very well dressed, i'm not complaining. But then you see even more guys, wearing exactly the same, then even more. They're all looking good, but all looking exactly the same, making them look rather boring after a while as you begin to expect it, and guys begin to think this is what they should look like because everyone else does and girls love it. Yes, girls have a big impact on guys the same way they have an impact on girls. i feel like our generation need more variety, when the outfits can be bought in primark you know it's common. Like geek tops or patterned leggings, it's getting worn out.

The other style which is dominating all others is a little more rough. the snapbacks are still around (never really thought they'd last so long) but the leggings are just getting worse. These leggings are a pet hate of mine, as the white stripe is usually see through (as is the black, just not so much) and as well as hurting my eyes, i just don't think they look so good on the vast majority of girls who wear them. And i don't mean offence, but i think so many girls can look so nice, yet ruin it with such bad attitudes and wearing ridiculous things. i know it may be your style, but these leggings are a fashion phase, this time next year you wouldn't give them a second thought. Yes the girl in the picture is gorgeous, she's in the minority of those people who look good, but just because she looks good, doesn't mean that she wouldn't look better if she wore something else.

My last complaint about the need to follow others, is short shorts. I know so many people have complained, but i feel the need to say a small something on the matter. Even the hottest girls who wear them look tacky. The shorts make them look horrific and i think it's rather degrading, leaving nothing to the imagination and giving off the impression of having no self respect. I might just be being old fashioned, but i still follow the rules of one thing out; legs, boobs or stomach. obviously not right out with the boobs, but you understand what i mean. However girls now-a-days seem to be getting it all out at once, which even i found shocking at first.

with any body, hot or not, i feel something need to remain hidden. Although this girl is stunning with an amazing body, it can be shown in different clothes, which bring the right attention in a different way. why let people know what you look like all at once?
legs, boobs or stomach. not too short short shorts.
Although still following the "hipster" trends

Now, i'm no fashion person at all. i cant even put an outfit together, hence why i wear dresses instead, but people need to be more individual, and i don't mean indie, i mean real individuality, a style to match their personality. it's time people began to want to be different than to blend in.

          i may just be being different or old fashioned, but i much prefer this.
heartbreak happens to everyone. You Are Not Alone.

 Too many people talk about love, when it doesn't exist.
Too many people have complained about heart break, when it's not really there.
Too many people have given up, when it hasn't even begun.
But I feel like it does exist, and it's there, beneath everything else, all the happiness all the pretending, the breaking is there, and even as it heals I can feel the prick of each stitch as they pierce deeper and deeper, repairing what is broke.
I'm 16, not some 60 year old looking back with regret at all the people I've lost. I've only lost one, but that one little truth made the rest of my life feel like a lie. I know you're reading this thinking I must be some over-dramatic love lust teenager who's just lost a boyfriend, or a depressed teen pouring my life into tumblr. But I'm not. I'm me. I'm happy. but some things just need to be said and by typing it to be read by people who may not even care enough to finish the entry seemed like my best bet. I don't want all the sympathy or questions, I just want to feel as though I'm sharing my problem, like I'm not alone any more.
So, I'm Jess (in case you haven't read my profile) and a couple years ago my parents split up, I know it happens to a lot of people, but I felt it hit hard. I'll spare you the details, but it wasn't anything gory or violent, just one day my father was here, and the next he wasn't. he just left. I expected it, I had countless sleepless nights as I heard my parents screaming at eachother, he cheated, simple as that. my mum wouldnt hurt a fly, she's the single kindest person I know, but she was living in fear. we were living in fear. my dad's a good man, but a good man with a temper, he never hit me, or her, but he hit other things, striking fear into the family in those short moments. But he is a good man, like I said. for years we were this perfect loving family, but that day changed everything. I wasnt there for the break up, I was at a friends, I was last to know. which tore me apart, I already felt insignificant to everyone else, getting pushed out of the picture. I hadnt even heard about what happened, but I felt empty inside in that moment. as I came home it wasn't the same. the family had drifted and it was silent, I was only 11, but I had so much responsibility thrown upon me as my mum went out with friends most nights and worked others. I was alone and broken, but acted whole as my brother and I put ourselves to bed for months.
every valentines day since I could remember, I would look at their cards as a reminder that they do love each other, that we aren't just playing pretend. valentines day is my birthday, and those cards gave me the piece of mind and happiness I needed to enjoy the day. but after the split, it felt empty.
I know it was ages ago, but the split up was just the beginning of a chain reaction for me, as the years went on me and my mum weren't the same, we didn't speak, and when we did, we argued. people pointed out she favouritised, even her boyfriends could see it, and it made me feel like nothing. I had a purpose before my parents split up, I was there for her, to catch her when she fell, but now. now I have nothing, she doesn't need me to protect her, she had boyfriends for that. I felt like there was nothing left for me, don't get me wrong, I wasn't suicidal or anything, I just felt like I was drifting through life, not actually living. That's what I feel heartbreak is like. Losing everything you love in a split second, the reason you live each day just like that. Gone. 

I don't know where from, I don't know who by,
but it's beautiful.

So don't go and tell me I'm too young to have experienced heart break, don't tell me i'm being pathetic and it happens to everyone. Because maybe, just maybe, i'm not as strong as everyone else, and that broke me. 
Simply writing this down has helped me already, i'm not alone and I know that. there are people going through worse and I know that, but I hope those people who are struggling may see this and not feel alone themselves, because things get better, I know my problem was a small one, but so many people go through it and my problem did get worse, but now it's better, I'm waiting for my purpose in life and that's okay, because I'm living and I have those happy moments which remind me just how amazing it is to feel alive.
Things get better, I know you may doubt it, not believe it and even curse it, but it's true. Things never stay the same and the pendulum always has to fly the other way.

Please remember this. It took me a while to post this, so if you made it to the end, thank you.

Sunday 16 September 2012

Do you like me? never mind...

just take a second and think about how many people you well and truly hate. Now think why? bets are, a lot of those people who you hate, or, are even "enemies" with, you can't even remember the reason why you hated them in the first place. you 'just do'. now tell me, does that sound like a good reason to you? everyone has hated some one in their life; i know i have hated people before, maybe not even for a good reason! some of those times  i was even the one who started it off; and only hate the person purely on the bounds that they hate me. which may sound fair to some of you, why should i like someone who doesn't even like me? but honestly, i just don't feel good having so much hatred inside me, it's much nicer just to let things go. now i'm not saying you just forgive the person if they've done something terrible, all i'm saying is just don't let it rule your life. whether that means you have to say sorry, make it up to the person, or even just forget about them completely! you never know, the person you're in a feud with might be a really nice person, you just never saw it through all the hatred. however, if they've hurt you it's a different story than a simple sorry, but you know what? it's no good just holding onto all the pain and tears that person's caused you! you may see them around sometimes, and you might even hate them so much that their mere presence annoys you, but I'll tell you this, you getting wound up is just pure entertainment for them! if you talk about them, you're just undoing the stitches, causing more hurt for yourself than necessary, and i know this sort of pain usually comes from relationships. emotions suck, but we're all still learning, from the day we're born to the day we die; we will never know everything, but you'll get the most out of life if you just keep moving on, re-living emotions just holds you back when there could be a whole new world just around the corner!  i've seen friends get hung up on people they hate, but those people have moved on, and like i said, the hatred is holding them back and sometimes even getting to them and making them stressed and angry. now i know you might even think me pathetic for forgiving people so easily, but i dont want to say i hate so many people, especially when i dont even know them well enough. i dont like it when people hate me without bothering to get to know me first, so why should i do that to others? i've seen so much hatred already, and i'm already 15, i know what it can do to people and it's much better to move on and be happy. some people seek revenge, but people, like my mother, can stay strong for themselves and others and just move on and forget about the people they hate and find that happiness, is only a couple steps away. If you're one of those people who struggle to forgive, too hurt or caught up by what's happened, then it's fine, as long as you're in control of your emotions. after going through pain, you need to moan, complain and even cry just to get it out of your system, but don't prolong it, it doesn't help you get over it, it just brings back memories that aren't wanted nor needed! and, well, if all else fails, just think about hitler, everyone hates him, so at least you're not alone in your hatred! ciao.

Monday 10 September 2012


so i feel as though i'm getting quite used to this whole thing, i've read other peoples, and i still dont get it, but i have fun typing and complaining, so i'll just stick to what i'm used too! now dont get me wrong, i may sound as if i think there is alot wrong with the world (which there is) but i'm really not a negative person, so you never know, one of these days i might just post a very positive blog, but till then, i just want to talk about, well anything else. everywhere i look at the moment everyone seems quite miserable and generally stressed, god knows what about, but everyone seems to be having insane mood swings and it's so tiring to keep up with! people need to learn to let go, you know, half way through work or just when you get plain bored do something fun. go outside, go outside with your pet (well if you have one) or even just turn up the music in your room and just. go. crazy. life's all about balance, and although there are some complications, people really need to learn to just let go every now and then and just do something for them, no one else! especially those who go out of the way to cheer others up, just think, when was the last time you smiled for real? or laughed so hard your sides hurt? i know all this stuff sounds childish or even ridiculous, but life isn't all hard work. sure, people loose balance sometimes and have too much work, or too much fun. i personally know i spend waay too much time on the internet rather than doing things that i really ought to do, but hey, no one's perfect right? i may be chatting on a bit, but i just want to get across that out of all the other blogs i've been through there are a lot of hard workers, people who document daily and do so much, or even those i see walking around looking like they haven't slept in weeks, you need to just let go of the stress and hard work for an hour or so and freak out. but for those of you who have no spare time during the week...

Sunday 9 September 2012

sorry, it's just not me

now, i hate to sound selfish, and even a little strange, but i hate saying sorry, therefore, i wish i was a guy. well, not quite, but i wish girls were more like them, most girls love being drama queens and it takes them forever to get over the smallest thing! plus they get everyone involved, which is sooo not cool. but hey, no one said being a girl was easy! but saying sorry (even when i'm in the wrong) is just not me. i do apologise, but to be honest, when i know i'm in the wrong and come up with a really good apology, people just throw it back in my face, so why bother in the first place? girls are so temperamental i actually feel sorry for guys who have to put up with them! although i'm sure we calm with age;) 
we've all had these moments...
i hate to toot my own horn, but i am actually right most of the  time, so you could say i'm not very good at having to say sorry, now i know that sounds like i'm a total know it all, but i'm not, it's usually over boys where needing to know comes in, and i know a rotten egg when i see the, it's just a shame they have such a good disguise! i'm sure i'll get so much better at apologies as i make more and more mistakes, but i still stand by what i said; it has got to be far easier being a guy, buy a girl flowers, or their favourite sweets and you can consider yourself in the clear! now, i know girls are easily annoyed, and scream for next to no reason, but atleast we're easily over it aswell, and if you're married, you must have it all sussed out! but for now, personally, i'm still learning how to do those awkward apologies and horrendous arguments, i've succeeded a few, and i hope, if you're still reading with me, that you figure it out soon- arguments are not worth a good friend. love to hear what you think in the comments!